Skills You Learn At Facility Maintenance Training

Posted on: 27 January 2020

One of the best trades that you can learn is facilities maintenance. You will learn more in a course for facilities maintenance than almost any other trade. This is due to the different tasks you will be responsible for handling when you land a job in that field. 

Facilities maintenance techs are required to be knowledgeable and skilled in a wide variety of areas. When you're responsible for performing maintenance tasks at a large facility, you will need to have all of the skills necessary to repair everything that needs to be fixed.


You will be trained to handle electrical issues that will commonly occur at your future place of work. Electrical work can be dangerous, so you will also be taught how to do your job without getting injured or causing fires. 


HVAC work covers heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. You will learn how to do ductwork and how to repair heating and AC systems during your training. 


Your plumbing skills will allow you to make repairs on the plumbing systems wherever you end up working. During your training, you will learn how to install and repair toilets and sinks, as well as how to work on pipes.


You will not only be trained on how to do maintenance tasks inside of your future worksite but outdoors, as well. You'll be responsible for performing landscaping tasks, such as mowing the lawn, shoveling the snow, trimming the bushes, and more. You will learn how to make a property look pristine and professional.


During your facilities maintenance training, you may learn carpentry skills. When you eventually get your job, you'll likely be required to work on windows, fix and install doors, and even put up walls. To do these things, you'll need strong carpentry skills.

Pest control

A common problem in the workplace is unwelcome pests. Bugs and animals setting up shop in your workplace can cause a multitude of problems. It will be your job to make sure that this doesn't happen. If it does, it will be up to you to remove them as quickly as possible. When you're doing your training, you will learn the best methods for keeping pests away.


It's inevitable that the walls and ceilings at your future place of work will eventually need fresh coats of paint. As a facilities maintenance tech, it will be your job  to handle the painting. During your training, you will learn how to paint professionally.
